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Innovators Mindset

I spent three wonderful days at PETE&C last week. I had the privilege of hearing George Couros speak. His inspirational speech about the shift in thinking educators need to make made me curious and wanting more. I started doing some research and since last week I have been reading his book, blog, and Twitter. I have also been having some really exciting conversations with other teachers at my school and I have had more "Ah ha" moments since this conference than I can count!

My first BIG Ah Ha moment:

Would you like to spend a day as a student in your class?

I was proud to say that there are parts of the day where I can say YES! Then there are other parts that I watch the students struggle to stay on task, lack excitement, and do the task to be compliant. This has me taking a really close look at those parts of the day where I see these behaviors and ask myself some really tough questions... This leads me to my next Ah Ha!

Writing! Oh writing!

My students spend a GREAT deal of time writing everyday. There are some students that love to write and express themselves through stories in the written form, but there are others who not only dislike it, they HATE it! (Now before you think I am suggesting that writing should go out the window, just hear me out!) I had to ask myself a few questions:

Q1: Would want to write a story everyday for approximately 60 minutes a day?

Q2: When do I spend time writing?

Q3: What am I really doing when I write?

A1: NO!

A2: When I have to

A3: See list below


To-Do lists

Grocery lists

More emails

Twitter posts

Lesson plans

Even more emails

Student reports

Blog posts

How many of those are digital? ....Uh! ALL OF THEM!

Why am I making my students write, write, write. Are there other ways for them to express their thoughts and ideas? I found my answer today after a short conversation with fellow teachers. The easy answer is YES! I can find lots of other ways for them to express their thoughts and ideas. I started to brainstorm some things that I am going to implement during my Daily 5 routine.

Stop Motion Movies

Green Screen Movies

Sequencing Movies

Student Podcasts

Student Blog Posts

I will let you know how it all works out. I am nervous about what could happen, but the possibilities are too exciting not to try! Thanks George for helping me to remember that we need to look at what we are doing and just think differently!

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