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New Year - New Grade - Same Students!

It's November and this is the first time I have had a chance to sit down and write!

So... last year I was teaching first grade, where I had been for the last four years. Then I was given the opportunity to loop with my class to second grade. I can't explain the rollercoaster of emotions I went through! At first it was pure excitement. This class was so special to me. It was my first year back as a new mommy and I had this new found passion for teaching like never before. We learned using the PBL approach, Tweeted with authors, and discovered coding and robots. The year had really been one of my best. So when I found out that I was going to have more time with them it felt like the biggest blessing. But then as the new school year was quickly approaching I started to have anxiety. I was nervous about the new grade level change. I was scared I would not know all of this new content and that somehow I would fail them. I was absolutely terrified to fail these students (my babies) that I cared so much about. Then on the first day of school their sweet faces came in the door with giant hugs and enormous smiles. All of my fears vanished. Rules all fell back into place and it was like no time had passed. Not to mention I was the only class in the building that had a nice quiet line in the hallway on the first day of school ;) That in itself was a miracle!

Now we have been together for three months and I keep getting the questions, "So how is it? Are they driving you crazy? What is it like?" My response is always the same. It is amazing. It is the best thing I have ever done. It was so scary and I was really nervous, but it was so worth it. There are days when I think we are almost too comfortable, but I would not change it. These families believed in me enough to give me another year with their children and I count my blessings daily. Today as I was getting excited for Thanksgiving break I actually felt some sadness too. After winter break the rest of the year always seems to fly by. This group is going to be so hard to say goodbye to. I am going to need a lot of tissues come May. #nocountdowntosummerhere

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